This funny video proves there’s always one odd ball in the group

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15 dogs patiently wait for their food and one has a mind of his own. This video is quite amazing, because this woman has managed to train her large dogs to get along around the most exciting and territorial item in their life – their food. Dogs have been known to kill each other over food and she was clever enough to train them to wait to be called.

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It’s amazing how patient they are. As each dog walks over gingerly to get their dinner, one has a chip on his shoulder. He seems mad or maybe he’s looking at a bird he wants to have for dinner. Perhaps he is always called last and he’s sick of it. None of us like being picked last and maybe his feelings are hurt.

As the woman calls their names one by one, it’s incredible how well they all respond. These dogs don’t even flinch when the other names are said. This woman has some really great training skills, if you ask me!

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Anyone who owns multiple dogs knows that feeding time can be hectic, especially if they are dogs with lock jaws or that have a serious size difference. Many dogs have to be separated in order to eat peacefully without fighting.

These dogs can eat side by side with dignity because their owner spent the time to work with them so they could all get along.

I couldn’t stop laughing at the one dog at the end of the video who didn’t go with the program. There’s always one in every group who has a streak of independence, and maybe he was doing it for extra attention. Dog’s can be pretty smart, especially when they are competing for attention.

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